Lunch Your Business! –台北金融科技展唯一跨國線下商務媒合交流會


Lunch Your Business!

10 . 29 @ Startup Stage B

Fintech-focused business networking opportunity




To gather all parties on the floor, “Lunch Your Business!” is going to be host on FinTech Taipei 2022 on 29th October! “Lunch Your Business!” is an exclusive networking event exclusively for FinTech Taipei exhibitor this year. In this event, you will hear


  1. the comprehensive resources in compliancecybersecurity checkupinternational community and business matchmaking sectors, by Ms. Ting-Ting Wu, the International Partnership Manager of FinTechSpace;
  2. 5 must-know things before expanding your business to Taiwan, addressed by Mr. Hao-Ray Hu, the Partner of Baker McKenzie and the law consultant of FinTechSpace;


and the most important of all,

discover new contacts and “LAUNCH” your business here in Taiwan!


為凝聚國內外創新能量,台北金融科技展將於10月29日(六)於新創舞台B辦理「Lunch Your Business!」商務媒合交流會。「Lunch Your Business!」包含三個重點規劃。首先台灣金融科技Hub—FinTechSpace的伍庭婷國際業務經理將分享金融科技市場輔導資源,從法規輔導資安健檢業務媒合以及國際資源等四大面向進行資源分享。針對海外團隊來台落地的重點議題,園區亦特別將邀請FinTechSpace顧問律師–Baker McKenzie的胡浩叡執行合夥人進行分享交流。兩場主題式分享後,則是最最最重要的Networking時段!





Note 1: This event will be host in English; FinTechSpace remains the right to adjust the agenda.

Note 2: This event is exclusively for FinTech Taipei exhibitors to attend. Each exhibitor can apply 2 people (maximum).

Note 3: Exhibitors who apply successfully will receive a confirmation email before Wed., 26th October. Please show the email to our staff for your entry.

Note 4: Due to Covid protection policy, lunch box will be provided after 13:00PM when you leave the event.




