恭喜門戶科技(股)有限公司(Portto)成為SelectUSA Tech金融科技暨區塊鏈台灣代表隊!


FinTechSpace與美國在台協會(AIT)共同舉辦的SelectUSA Tech金融科技暨區塊鏈台灣代表隊選拔賽 (以下簡稱SelectUSA Tech Taiwan)已於2月17日(四)上午圓滿結束。

本次SelectUSA Tech Taiwan自2021年12月起開始徵件。經過第一階段的資格篩選,最後共有11家來自支付、區塊鏈、AI、零售金融…等與金融科技相關的新創團隊獲得參賽資格。由於本次為台灣首次辦理Select Tech區域代表隊,FinTechSpace與AIT於今(2022)年1月辦理線上說明會,除了讓準參賽團隊們瞭解計畫內容之外,更邀請到去年獲得全球資安冠軍的園區進駐新創—Cybavo分享參賽歷程與經驗。

SelectUSA Tech Program為美國商務部為吸引欲擴展美國市場的科技新創公司對接美國的投資資源,於每年定期舉辦「SelectUSA Summit」以及「SelectUSA Tech新創企業選拔」。從新創企業選拔脫穎而出的新創團隊將獲得參與SelectUSA Summit並在活動上進行pitch的難得機會。對於想了解美國時下投資環境、產業趨勢及最新投資機會等資訊,並拓張美國市場的新創團隊將是一個非常難得的機會。

為確保獲選的團隊具有前往美國發展的潛力,SelectUSA Tech Taiwan比照SelectUSA Summit Pitch決賽評選機制進行辦理。包含要求團隊在4分鐘的時間報告最精華的簡報,及以大會七大評分標準作為評分要項,包含

  1. Introduction Team members Key contributions
  2. Product or service Unique Selling Proposition
  3. Problem being solved Competitive analysis Market opportunity
  4. Business Model –profitability plans
  5. Next Steps –S. market readiness and entry strategy
  6. Clear, concise presentation. Adheres to time limit.
  7. Depth of responses to questions

在經過一整個上午各團隊精采的pitch後,最後由開發區塊鏈應用平台的門戶科技股份有限公司(Portto Co., Ltd.)於11家國內金融科技參賽團隊中脫穎而出,獲得做為金融科技暨區塊鏈台灣代表隊,於6月至美國參加SelectUSA Summit Pitch決賽資格!而獲得第二名的匯誠國際開發有限公司(Fastpay Int’l Ltd.),致力於提供國外移工合法便利的金融科技服務,同樣備受肯定!



  • Portto 公司簡介
    Blocto is an all-in-one cross-chain smart contract wallet with a seamless unified ex-perience in one all-encompassing platform: Dev-friendly SDK, built-in DEX BloctoS-wap, and non-custodial NFT marketplace BloctoBay. Users can be onboarded with-in 30 seconds and enjoy the plethora of experiences we offer all with Blocto. At Blocto, our mission is to make Blockchain simple. Blocto is building a cross-chain smart contract wallet with a seamless user experience. Users can easily access dApps, crypto, and NFT assets, no matter which blockchain they are built on; devel-opers can integrate with Blocto SDK service and create a frictionless onboarding experience.
  • FastPay 公司簡介
    FastPay is a team of caring people who are dedicated to supporting oversea Filipi-nos by delivering financial services through Financial Technology (Fintech). So, they can get closer to that comfortable and happy life they have always dreamed of. In Taiwan, we have surpassed the 20,000 active user mark within a year of opera-tion. Our services include foreign exchange settlement, bills payment, refill prepaid mobile account, loan repayment, government funds payment, etc. We committed to offering legit and easy financial services to oversea Filipinos worldwide, and we will be launching our services in Canada in 2022. Meanwhile, we are actively approaching to any country/market with Filipinos.



美國在臺協會商務組副組長 Mr. Andrew Gately致詞  FinTechSpace執行總監 Ms. Ana Sung致詞

美國在臺協會商務組商務官 Mr. Clint Brewer 致詞  美國在臺協會商務組參事 Ms. Betsy Shieh 致詞

(左上:美國在臺協會商務組副組長 Mr. Andrew Gately;右上:FinTechSpace執行總監 Ms. Ana Sung ;
左下:美國在臺協會商務組商務官 Mr. Clint Brewer ;右下:美國在臺協會商務組參事 Ms. Betsy Shieh )

SelectUSA評委 Ms. Fong Wang from Golden Seeds致詞  SelectUSA評委 Mr.  Tyrone Lee from Draper Associate 致詞

SelectUSA評委 Mr. John Chen from Hive Ventures 致詞  SelectUSA評委 Mr. Eric Fan from Taiwan Institute of Economic Research致詞

SelectUSA評委 Ms. Frances Kang from Horizon Ventures (Remote)致詞

(左上:Ms. Fong Wang from Golden Seeds;右上:Mr.  Tyrone Lee from Draper Associate
左中:Mr. John Chen from Hive Ventures;右中:Mr.
Eric Fan from Taiwan Institute of Economic Research;
左下:Ms. Frances Kang from Horizon Ventures (Remote) )

SelectUSA台灣區選拔賽現場實錄  SelectUSA台灣區選拔賽現場實錄


SelectUSA台灣區選拔賽 會後交流現場實錄  SelectUSA台灣區選拔賽 會後交流現場實錄

圖說:SelectUSA台灣區選拔賽 會後交流現場實錄